This 20-hour training course is for participants to understand the principles and processes for response to threats caused by Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear agents to the human health.

The topics of the module include 7 broad units:

1) CBRN Preparedness and Response

2) C of CBRN – Chemical

3) B of CBRN – Biological

4) RN of CBRN – Radiological and Nuclear

5) Cross-cutting issues: Laboratory

6) Cross-cutting issues: Health & Safety

7) Simulation exercises.

Each unit will cover critical aspects relevant for public health officials and epidemiologists.

10 minutes mini – units with a one live session that will take place on 16 December, 12:00-12:45hours CET (Madrid time)

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
● Understand the nature of emergencies caused by chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear incidents versus conventional terrorist acts, and be familiar with the main CBRN agents and diseases
● Assist in creating, monitoring and evaluating preparedness plans
● Get familiar with a sustainable framework for effective interagency cooperation for chemical or biological incidents in peace times and during cross-border CBRN incidents Understand the International Health Regulations (IHR) role in detecting and reporting of a chemical or a biological incident
● Build awareness for early recognition of events caused by deliberate or accidental release of chemical, biological or radionuclear agents
● Be familiar with the main sources of information and event based surveillance of CBRN incidents
● Understand the principles and main steps of risk assessment (beforehand, then during CBRN events), risk management and response during CBRN events
● Understand the principles of primary site management and management of exposed people during/following a CBRN-incident
● Be familiar with principles of infection control (quarantine, isolation, standard hygiene / droplet / airborne precautions, barrier nursing)
● Be familiar with different methods for diagnosis and microorganism typing, including molecular testing, and their respective value in outbreak investigations and understand how to interpret the main laboratory tests related to CBRN incidents
● Acquire knowledge and skills of taking clinical and environmental samples of critical substances and of their appropriate transportation following international standards
● Understand the basic principles of risk communication, including its necessary consistency, during a CBRN incident targeting different audiences: social media, general public, professional networks and policy makers and contexts: Intra-country, inter-country, intersectoral, inter-institutions, etc.
● Understand of principles of occupational health and safety for healthcare workers
● Know the different types and levels of Personal Protective Equipment and be able to give a situation adapted recommendation to involved professionals
● Be familiar with usage of PPE Level C (donning, doffing, avoidance of cross-contamination, waste management, etc.)
● Acquire knowledge of principles of organisation, delivery and evaluation of a simulation exercise related to the response to an acute health threat